U .S . technologycom panyA ppleisnoww orth asm uch asthe32 biggest eurozonebanks. T hat’s the starkresult from a steepfallinthesharepriceof banks includingSpain’sSantander,France’s BN P Paribas,G erm any’sD eutsche BankandItaly’s U nicredit,com paredtoasteadyrise inA pple’s valuation,accordingtoT hom sonR euters data.
欧元区银行的市值从2007年5月的历史高点大幅下滑了75%,相比之下,苹果的市值则受iP ad及iP hone等产品的推动而大涨,已升至3400亿美元。
Fourteenyears ago,strappedfor cashandw ithfaithinhis com panyat rockbottom,SteveJobs w as forcedtogocapinhandtoarch-en-em yM icrosoft for a $150m investm ent. A bus-inessw orth just $1 .7bn w hen Mr. Jobsreturnedin1997is now w orth m orethan $335bnandhas beeninstrum ental inoverhaulingboth the personalcom puting and m obilecom m unications industries.
B y theend of thisyear,theiPad w illalreadybem oreprofitableforA pplethanitstraditional M acbusiness. In2012,it is alsoexpected to produce considerably higherrevenues. A com pany w ith salestopping $100bncannot keepgrow ingat m orethan70per cent for long,but strappingona new en-gine suchas the iPadcertainlyhelps.
R ivals havebeenroutedsofar. M otorolacutthepriceofitsX oom tabletafteritsFebruarylaunch,releaseda cheaper m odel andw arned shipm entsw ill declinethisquarter.R IM’s PlayBookw as delayeduntil A pril andstill isn’t beingofferedfor salebythetw obiggest U .S . w ireless carriers. H ew lett-PackardCo. is droppingthe price of its T ouchPadtabletby20% littlem orethanam onth after it hitstores.Sam sung E lectronics C o .is nowem broiledinapatent disputew ithA pplethatthreatenssalesof itsG alaxyT abin m ost ofEurope.
到目前为止,苹果的竞争对手都溃不成军。摩托罗拉2月发布X oom平板电脑后下调了价格,推出了更便宜的版本,并警告说本季度发货量将下滑。R IM的PlayB ook延迟到4月才推出,而且目前仍没有在美国两大无线运营商那里销售。惠普公司将其上市仅仅一个多月的平板电脑T ouchPad的价格下调20%以促进销量。三星电子现在则和苹果公司卷入了一场专利纠纷,这可能威胁其平板电脑G alaxyT ab在欧洲大部分地区的销售。(美国《华尔街日报》)
有消息称,苹果正与亚洲原件供应商及组装商协调,拟从10月份开始试生产下一代iP ad(iPad3),以在平板电脑市场的竞争中保持领先优势。
A pple Inc plans toinvest inaSharpC orpfactorytosecureasupplyof LC D screens foriPhones andiPads,sources said. T he proposedm ove,along w ith an investm ent in anewLCD factoryof T oshibaCorp,com es as A ppleandkeysupplier Sam sungElectronics battleincourts over patent disputes,spurringtalkthatA pple m aydiversifysuppliers.
有消息称,苹果公司计划投资夏普公司的一家工厂,以保障iP hone和iP ad液晶显示屏(LC D )的供应。这一行动计划,和苹果此前对东芝旗下一家L C D新生产厂的投资,都发生在苹果和L C D主要供应商三星电子就专利纠纷对决法庭的时间点。有舆论称,苹果可能在实现供应商的多元化。(路透社)
(肖莹莹 编译)