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Pietro Coricelli 公司

2013年05月30日 11:25   来源:中国经济网综合   

    PIETRO CORICELLI SPA Group, founded in 1939, is a company specializing in production, refining, packing and export of Italian olive oil. Pietro Coricelli prides itself on guaranteeing processes, products and services of excellence, adopting the highest quality standards applicable to food companies. The company can boast a number of top level certifications concerning the following voluntary standards and regulations:

    PIETRO CORICELLI SPA 集团公司,成立于1939年,是一个专业生产,提炼,包装和出口的意大利橄榄油企业。Pietro Coricelli公司卓越的产品和服务,保证各个流程遵循行业最高质量标准。本公司可提供如下标准及相关的一些顶级认证:

    -UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008质量体系认证

    -SA8000: 2008社会责任国际标准体系

    -BRC Standard– Food(rev.5)英国零售商协会认证-A级

    -IFS– International Food Standard(ver. 5)国际食品标准认证-高级

    -Product"100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Low Acidity" 100%低酸度特级初榨橄榄油产品

    -Organic product according to regulation CE 2092/91有机认证



    -Certificazione 100% italiano 100%意大利产品

    These certifications are a prerequisite for many customers; they also represent, for both customers and consumers, a further element of quality assurance and food safety.


    Thanks to these awards, Pietro Coricelli has established important commercial relations, especially with international large retail stores, and continues to operate in new markets within a global marketplace that has become extremely demanding in terms of quality.

    今天,Pietro Coricelli公司在这些认证的基础上建立了重要的商业关系,特别是与国际大型连锁零售企业(如TESCO乐购, WALMART美国沃尔玛,SPAR荷兰(丹麦)集团,CARREFOUR家乐福,AUCHAN法国欧尚,WAITROSE英国维特罗斯等等),并继续以在质量方面极其苛刻的要求在全球市场中良好的发展。

    Extra virgin olive oil, the king of Mediterranean cuisine, has always been considered a valuable health ally. Extra virgin olive oil is an important source of lipids, especially monounsaturated fatty acids, those nutrients that, if introduced in a balanced diet, provide at least 30% of the daily caloric need and create energy reserves; extra virgin olive oil has many beneficial effects on the body:

    -Helps prevent cardio-vascular diseases.

    -Helps regulate the content of cholesterol in the body by increasing the level of HDL, the good cholesterol, which cleanses the arteries and helps to maintain a low level of LDL, the bad cholesterol, which on the contrary, tends to occlude them.

    -Thanks to its antioxidant properties it helps prevent oxidative processes.

    -Provides a valuable contribution to protecting the digestive system.








   公司官网:www.coricelli.com; www.oliocirio.it


